Today, I read
The Night before Christmas by Clement C. Moore
and illustrated by Will Moses to the NWCC daycare kids!
Will is the grandson of Grandma Moses!
The kids were talkative and expressive.
What a joy and I feel like I am on cloud nine!
Thank you Miss Penny for this opportunity!
Ah, Twas the Day before Christmas Break!
My mother use to love Grandma Moses and had a Christmas album featuring an interview with her-I wonder what happened to it?
Hum? Sage - Will mentions his grandmother in the preface. How the family read the same Night before Christmas book that she illustrated all those years ago. I'm very ignorant of her work and should investigate. I bet that album is worth something! :)
I LOVED Granma Moses growing up! She was very well known and she, to this day, is my favorite primitive artist. Spencer spent two wonderful years with Miss Penny. I still have a watercolor train he painted that I framed hanging prominently in my home. Wish I could bottle him up at that age. He's fifteen now, which is another kind of wonderful, though. :)
Susie, I think your Spencer has a lot of advantages! You for one! Miss Penny Too!
I'm a believer in early play through reading and I'm thrilled they promote books in the Children's program creating smarter Mississippi kids. :)
what a great holiday treat!
It was fun Diane! :)
How fun!
One of the little girls would finish my sentences, so I would point to her "not even a ... Mouse!" So cute!!! :D
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