Sunday, June 22, 2008

Way 2 Go - Amanda!

Amanda - the newbie challenger and voice of Scarlett in the Bell Jar - is the winner of the autographed copy of Mudbound!

Congrats Gurl!

I'm still not sure why that man is hugging the buoy! Is he trying not to blow away or pulling the boat back to the dock?!? What's up with his madness!?!

It's funny, but there are people finishing the challenge while others such as Amanda are just getting started. There are also all kinds of levels going on within participants' readings such as only Christian, pure Literature, just mysteries, or sticking strictly to modern voices. I Am Having A Blast!

On a house cleaning note, those of you just joining can get back to 1st review, 2nd review, etc. through the link underneath the SRC 2008 button in the sidebar. The challenge doesn't end until Aug 15, so do not panic! Just remember Pretty Pecan Easy!

Author Jon Clinch offers two signed paperbacks of Finn for more contest! Those of you finishing early might want to keep checking back for chances to win these and a couple more Mudbounds. The Dead Mule Contest will feature Larry Brown's first edition of Dirty Work worth $100. Mr. Brown died early in his career and his works are creating a stir in the collecting world. A signed first edition of Dirty Work is currently selling at $500! This copy was donated by my wonderful boss at NWCC.

Guys, you do realize I am a librarian. I do not accept money to promote any books I talk-up! I purchased Mudbound after reading a Jackson, MS bookstore's blog reviewing an ARC. It sounded so good I ordered it off that day and read my own copy - I have the receipt - when it arrived around the first week of May. Hillary Jordan contacted me through LibraryThing after reading my booktalk. I then had the brass to ask for an autographed copy to give as a prize for the SRC. Not only did she say yes, she donated five! That's a nice lady! Please, I'm not hyping a book. It deserves every word of mouth praise or not it generates. The BIGGEST social problem in the South is racism, and any story that gets the discussion started in such an honest manor is number one in my book!


Anonymous said...

Amanda - Way to go!! And Maggie - thank you so much for having these contests & love that pic!

Diane said...

Hey - when I too read a book I really like I try to get everyone I know to read it - - you are doing good work here!

maggie moran said...

Thanks J.Kaye. I want to make the challenge fun for participants and those non-participates, too. Oh, and since I have 21 newbies, who need post encouragement, something extra to write about. I got the pic from google images "lucky seven;" apparently, they are for sale. Be real cute to wear on the Las Vegas strip. :)

Thanks Diane. It never dawned on me that I would be perceived as anything other than a librarian, but as a librarian I'm always trying to sell books metaphorically. Hum, I am part of the machine! ;)

April said...

Congrats, Amanda!

Maggie, thanks so much for hosting this challenge! You have made it so much fun with all of the pictures and extras. Also, it just goes to show you how one voice can means so much to so many and really bring to light great things (such as some really awesome books, lol!) You rock, Miss Maggie! :)

maggie moran said...

Ah, thank you April! I just hate for people to think I'm being paid for this. Just love books and sharing, that's all! :)