Saturday, June 28, 2008

Live from Anaheim!

Blogging Anaheim Button

Hello All!

I'm coming to you live from the Anaheim Conference Center in beautiful California. Oh, and of all the things, I'm sick! Fever, headache, sore throat, aches, sweats, and all I wanna do is sleep! Nice to be on the road while sick!

What do you do if you get sick away from home and by yourself? What about all the money you will lose if you have to return home? I left the house at 12:00 pm and got to the Disneyland Hotel and into my room at 8:00 pm Californie time which was 10:00 pm at home. Trust me, all the cute little mouse ear fixtures and piped "It's a Small World" elevator music got a piece of my mind last night!

Yea, yea! Buck it up!

Okay, my reporting may be fuzzy and on the hostile side, but I'm willing. Lord, if I drool, I'll short circuit my laptop! Can someone let me have a couple of aspirins?


Susie said...

Oh, poor Maggie! Of all things! Just goes to show, what do we REALLY have any control over. Just try to relax into it and you'll feel better soon. Just stop in your tracks, drink water to flush it out and orange juice, maybe? Throw in some champagne with the oj and you've got yourself a who wouldn't feel better after that? Keep us posted. I'll say a get well prayer for you, my friend!

Erica said...

hope you feel better so you can enjoy the conference and CAL! :)

Lori Thornton said...

I'm not sure how well virtual aspirins work, but I'll send you some! A couple of my colleagues are doing a poster session there at ALA. I wish I could be there (at least to do the exhibits so that I can get advance review copies)!

Vasilly said...

Poor, Maggie! I am 15 minutes away from Anaheim (speeding.) I hope you feel better soon to enjoy this great weather. Lots of rest, orange juice, and aspirin.

Anonymous said...

poor Maggie
get well soon,
i hope.

maggie moran said...

Thanks, Susie. I'm still not better, but I think I'm getting used to feeling bad. I met some authors yesterday, and felt bad for touching a book and then handing it to them to sign. I don't want to spread this funk. Oh, and Ellen Gilchrist told me yesterday that I had something on my teeth! *coughy-laugh*

maggie moran said...

Thanks, Erica. I didn't sweat so much last night - progress - but my neighbors were serenading me with making love noises. A couple of guys reverting back to their shoe size, and they ended it with "Dang Bob! You Gave Me Crabs!"

maggie moran said...

Thank you, Lori. I would gobble it up if I thought it would do anything! I hope your buddies are having fun. I skipped the UofA reunion last night, too. I'm just happy to get from point A to B w/o passing out. Standing up, drinking coctails would be impossible.

maggie moran said...

Vasilly - This place is beautiful! How can you stand living in such a gorgeous place?!? The author Ellen Gilchrist says I'm really in a bubble and should explore the surrounding area. Next time - this time I'm in survival mode - but I am very taken with the mild weather, landscaping, and architecture.

maggie moran said...

Thanks, Paul. I imagine I feel 100% better the day I put my feet back down in Mississippi.