Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Clear Case of Uppin-the-Ante!

Lisa at Bluestalking Reader isn’t participating in the Southern Reading Challenge! Nope! No rinky-dink, read three southern books of your choice, but a rather blue-blooded Southern Literature Project. She has a list of canons and modern titles to make any Southern Literature 101 class proud.

Lisa is gonin' great guns, folks! She just recently devoured Larry Brown's, Father and Son, and is currently chewing on Hick by Andrea Portis (Is Portis any kin to my beloved Charles Portis?) If you are still looking for books to place on the list or replace duds, check out her left hand margin.

In the same vein, Lesley from Lesley’s Book Nook is also reading more than the required three. She has chosen a southern book to represent each southern state. Very clever, Lesley, and I’m proud of you. Spread that southern feeling around to all your Nebraskan neighbors, will ya!


Kelly said...


Robin said...

It's so fun to see everyone's book choices. There's such a wealth of good authors and wonderful books for this delightful Southern reading summer! Right now I am absolutely loving listening to Sissy Spacek read To Kill a Mockingbird.

Kelly said...

How very cool! Thanks for all of the inspiration Maggie (and Lisa and Lesley). With all of these great book ideas, I may be seduced away from a couple of my original picks.

Carol M said...

I hope to read more than three books. I'm finding so many new authors. I'm reading Sweet Hush by Deborah Smith now and I'm really enjoying it.

Tiffany Norris said...

What great ideas! So much to read...such a short life...

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just tripped onto your blog today. I'm thrilled to see about the Southern reading. I think there are no greater books than those about the south. I know some may say Oklahoma isn't in the south but we do consider ourselves in the northern edge of the mid-south. With that in mind have you ever read any of the books by Billie Jean Letts? Places in the Heart is probably the best known since a movie was made of it. Her books are set in Oklahoma.

Debi said...

Wow...I'm both in awe, and a little bit jealous, as well!

maggie moran said...

Yes indeed, MyUtopia!

She has a southern voice I could listen to all night, Robin. Wish she would do more audios.

Thanks Kelly, and hey, don't put away some, just add! ;)

Good to hear, Carol. I hadn't a clue about this author Smith, so, I'm looking forward to your say.

Yes, the Catch-22 of books, Tiffany.

Thanks Kay! I had no idea Oklahoma residers thought of themselves as southern! I started Where the Heart is years back, but should visit more of her work. Plus I need to add the movie to our book-2-movie list. Thanks! :)

Me too, Debi! Me Too! :)

Anonymous said...

Very impressive! And good news for me - knowing we can have more than three books for your challenge means I can read more of my TBRs!

Les said...

I am so far behind with my blog-hopping! Thanks for the mention here. I hope I can read all 13! I just finished my first last night and will get to #2 later this week.