Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Sharp Objects (copy)

So frustrated! I cannot get my hands on Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and have to wait. I even searched every bookstore in route to and from our vacation and not one had it on the shelf, although it prominently sits on the New York Times Bestseller list.
Have you ever experience this kind of mild panic? You know people are reading it and you are falling behind because you cannot seem to find a copy. Or, you happen to be one of the lucky ones on hold for a copy at the library; unfortunately, you are number 56 and it has only been out a week.
Can you imagine our dilemma as librarians? We read the review months in advance of ordering the book, but something happens while it is being cataloged. All of the sudden it is popular and now as librarian I have to wait in line just like my neighbors. The best I can do is hope someone brings it back on a Friday afternoon and I can get a quick read before we open Sunday afternoon.
Well, I have been forced to do the next best thing. I went and got another book by the same author, Gillian Flynn. What a debut! Sharp Objects is a mystery and as such plot driven. I have nubby nails just trying to figure out which one in her weird cast of characters is the killer.  
Camille Preaker is a cub reporter for the Daily Post in Chicago. The newspaper is not a major player in the city, but crabby and loveable editor, Frank Curry, has high hopes. He pins those hopes on Camille who he affectionately calls Scoop or Cubby depending on his mood.
Today, Curry’s mood leans to the optimistic as he ask Scoop to come into his office. He informs her that a little girl has gone missing in her hometown of Wind Gap, Missouri. She is to pack her bags and leave as soon as possible.
He is looking for two things to occur: One, his newspaper will gain readership because no one else in the Chicago area will be covering the disappearance. Two, Camille might win a Pulitzer if she combines the right amount of crime and compassion in her daily reports back.
Unfortunately, Curry does not know Wind Gap’s reputation for breaking Camille. Her body exhibits scarred words she cut into herself during stressful times growing up there. How will she handle the flare-ups she feels when her self-esteem is threatened repeatedly by her own family?

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