You should know by now that I am a loather of romance books.
I will pick them up in desperation and then throw them across the room for
being contrived. For example, two humans meet and do not like
each other then something happens and they do like each other, but then
something else happens to tear them apart and in the end they are reunited and
all is unicorns and rainbows. Blah!
Fifty Shades of Grey, the first book in the series does
not have a happy ending! This is one of the reasons publishers say non-romance
readers are lured into the series. I can think of another reason – the sex – or
is that too obvious?
From an article in Publisher’s Weekly, I learned that this
series is one of the best digitalized reads to be published. Along with many a
romance, it is less likely to be picked up by your teenager or overseen by your
nosy neighbors, if it discreetly resides in your Nook instead of propped open
on the kitchen counter.
This claim sounds a little hokey. All three covers are in
shades of gray, white and black and sequentially feature a man’s tie, a
masquerade mask and hand-cuffs. Where is the shirtless, body-building heart
throb to tip off those random guests? To me the covers scream mystery, but Avon
is already changing the covers of new releases to look alike, calling them
“Shades of Avon Red.”
My explanation centers more on the demographics of the
series which Publisher’s Weekly calls “suburban moms.” Many a mother probably
got a Nook or Kindle for Christmas making it easier to upload digital books
than climb into the family minivan for the local bookstore. Make sense?
Shades author, E. L. James, is a nice English mother of two
about to join J.K. Rowling’s social circle. The trilogy film rights have sold
and all across the internet people are trying to guess who will play main
characters, Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey.
I am looking forward to getting my hands on the first book
in the series. Friends have promised me I will not throw it across the room,
but I might turn fifty shades of pink. Oh, and carting it out of
the library in a brown paper bag.
Can't wait to hear what you think! I haven't read it yet but have heard a lot about it!
Cruel world Kara! Our jobber sent #2 & 3, but not the first book!!! I am waiting patiently.
See, I did throw the book across the room whereas I don't for romance.
Why, Marg? Where is your post?!?
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