Monday, December 20, 2010

Night Owl

I am up late reading Pat Conroy's new book, My Reading Life. Good stuff, folks!

In the span of two chapters, my emotions mirror masks hanging at the entrance to local town theatres. Conroy's introduction to the opposite of librarians in Eileen Hunter had me rolling with laughter. Then, I was shocked at my own tears while reading the reaction from family members to the release of his book, "The Great Santini."

Oh, and I have a book suggestion for Mr. Conroy. Read, The Man who Loved Books too much: The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Obsession by Allison Hoover Bartlett. The story of David belongs in this book!


  1. Pat Conroy is an old friend of mine Maggie...:-) Good to see that he has a new book out...

  2. Morning Paul!

    'Bout to go get another cup of coffee and finish the book. I think you will love it! It strikes me that my wasted youth hating the act of reading has left me forevah behind in the Southern lit genre. He keeps mentioning books, like you have suggested, that I agree I should read but as always I lack the time. Just think of the potential...If I gave the North MS audience the best Southern lit we would all be in the better.

    Oh, you have got to read "The Librarian" chapter, Paul! I had Pete rolling this morning, too!!! It might dim your opinion of our profession, though. ;D

  3. Paul, read pages 141-144. He pays homage to the poet.

    Did you ever attend one of the book parties he talks about? You are in SC, raight? Did you know him in high school or taught with him at Beaufort? Do you know the "teacher" Gene Norris?

  4. Thanks for the review, I was wondering how this one was. It goes on my wish list!

  5. I am still chewing on it Sharon, but I love all of it so far!


A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read. ~ Mark Twain