Sunday, February 19, 2006

Color of Water Notes

“Love didn’t come naturally to me until I became a Christian.” p38

I was so shocked when I read this. How sad, to turn away from your early religious teachings. I now see the attraction to reading this in my Mother’s second Sunday reading group.

“She never spoke about Jewish people as white. She spoke about them as Jews, which made them somehow different. It was a feeling every single one of us took into adulthood, that Jews were different from white people somehow.” p87

You still come across that same confusion when talking about the differences in the races. It never fails that a person will mention a Jew under the subtext of races when it's a religious matter. Reminds me how some people consider Africa a country and not a continent.

“Race was something he never talked about. To him it was a detail that you stepped over, like a crack in the sidewalk. He was a person who never seemed to worry.” p125

Mr. Hunter Jordan was from that generation where talk could only do so much. Why waste time yapping over things you can’t control or change. He had the mentality like most people his age to have fun where you could find it. A sort of depression era thinking, play the hand you’re dealt.

  • I used to walk in the shade, with those blues on parade…

  • I’m not ashamed, this Rover crossed-over…

  • If I ever had a cent, I’d be rich as Rockefeller…

  • Gold dust at my feet, on the sunny side of the street…

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