Saturday, May 03, 2008

___Southern Reading Challenge Y'all!

UPDATE: Hillary Jordan, author of Mudbound, is donating 5 autographed books for give away during the Southern Reading Challenge. I think a Name your Home, Land, or Plantation Contest will be great fun. More to come...

To understand the world, you have to understand a place like Mississippi.

~William Faulkner

We moved to Mississippi in 1995 and I still don't quite get it. But, through reading southern literature in my rocking chair on the front porch, I'm getting closer to this sense of (strange new) place.

Come join me on the porch this summer and I promise you will meet some of the strangest characters you have ever read while scratching behind my big dog's ears.

It's time for our hot, sweaty summer of reading Southern Books! Are You Ready?!?

The rules are easy: 3 Southern Setting Books by Southern Authors in 3 Months beginning May 15 through August 15!

How can you pass this amazing challenge up? Incentive you say? A tin full of yummy tasting pecans will be sent to a lucky participant every Friday. I'll also be linking y'all's experiences as they come in, just like last year. Sense of Place Contest? Oh, Yeah! Dead Mule Society List? You Bet! Click here for southern book suggestions.

So, sign on Mister Linky with an address back to your 3 books and join me for sweet tea on the porch!


1morechapter said...

Thanks for hosting this again. I'm looking forward to it.

katrina said...

sounds fun, not sure which books i will pick yet - any recommendations would be welcome

Canary said...

Spounds like a fun contest.. Can I participate sitting here in India? :)

Deborah M. said...

Maggie, you're doing it to me again. You know I can't keep up with these challenges, yet, you throw the Southern Reading Challenge at me. But since I've got this GREAT sounding book about SAvannah on reserve (Waking Brigid) it looks like I'm going to be in this one.

SFP said...

Yay! I'll post my list midweek or so.

Amy said...

This is terrific! This one of my favorite challenges from last year!

Sharon said...

So glad you're hosting this challenge again, Maggie! I really enjoyed it last year. I'm in - I just need to come up with my list.

Andi said...

I'm, totally in, and posted my choices this morning (Mr. Linky has the link.) Thanks.

Amy said...

Maggie- I accidently linked back to your blog in my first (# 5) Linky.

Could you please delete it? I have linked to the correct post on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello! and thank you for this challenge. I love Southern writing and look forward to this very much! I will post my choices next week. Thank you! TJ

maggie moran said...

Yay 3M! I look forward to your posts! ;)

Katrina, this year I'm telling everybody about Mudbound by Hillary Jordan. You may aslo click the tag Southern Book Ideas and a whole smorgishborg of books will appear. :)

For sure Canary! Have you read To Kill a Mockingbird, Gone with the Wind, or The Color Purple? On the sidebar you will see a link to 125 best southern books. Please, help yourself. :)

Love the photo, Deborah. I like putting a face with a name. Now why don't I do that? Sorry, to mess up your summer. ;) The book does sound good and I look forward to your posts.

SFP, there really is a Dead Mule Society. I remember your post from last, so funny, and I was doing a little research for a presentation on Mudbound and ran across the society. Two mules kick the bucket in Jordan's book! ;D Thanks for joining again!

Yay, Amy! And your post made it so great! No problem on deleting your Mr. Linky entry:)

Ex Libris, really one of the most exciting right now is Mudbound, but as always, the south is full of great stories.

Yay, Andi! I hope you have fun and win some pecans. :)

Yay, TJ! Another newbie! Be on the lookout for dead mules! ;)

Robin said...

Maggie, I'm so glad you're hosting this challenge again. I've posted my list. Thanks!

maggie moran said...

Alright Robin! :D I love your posts!

Vasilly said...

I can't wait for this challenge. It'll be my first time. I'm taking your recommendation on your post about The Wednesday Letters.

maggie moran said...

Yay, N. Vasillis! I look forward to your many posts. :)

sage said...

I've been thinking about books to review... I just posted about another southern author--her book "Lay that Trumpet in our Hands" a few days ago, but it's not hard to find a few more good books to read.

btw, why is the review ending before the Dogs Days of summer?

maggie moran said...

Yay, Sage! Thanks for joining! I'm beginning and ending earlier this year b/c I didn't feel I had enough time devoted to participants last year. Students' last exam is 5/15 and my orientation classes start August 18. Got to bring home the bacon. :)

Eva said...

I've got my post up, but I have a few more than three books to choose from. It's so hard to narrow down such a great body of literature!

Kim said...

I am so glad you are hosting this again. I didn't get to participate last year but sure will this time around!
(Page After Page)

Grilsgood said...

Will start to look for books. I do love Greg Isles and Flannyer O'Connor and will find another

SuziQoregon said...

I know I'll be completely unable to resist this. Will work on my list.

Too bad I'm already halfway through Mudbound ;-P Actually it's not - I'm loving it!zozvoqwc

maggie moran said...

Yes, Eva you done good! Lot's of ideas, thanks! :D

Kim, I'm thrilled you are joining and I look forward to getting to know you through your excellent picks. :)

Sounds good, Grilsgood. I look forward to your picks! :)

Read slow SuziQ! Although, at some point you will find the reading gets quicker. :)

chrisa511 said...

I really regretted missing this one last year, so I'm definitely in! Thanks a bunch :)

maggie moran said...

Yea, Chris! Hope you win some pecans!

Debi said...

I tried to say "no"...but well, I just couldn't! I enjoyed your challenge last year so much, and you're just the sweetest host, well, I was just an idiot for even thinking of passing it up, wasn't I?

maggie moran said...

Yea, Debi! I hope I can make it worth your while. ;D

Amanda Clanton said...

The photo of the dark sky on my blog was taken in Georgia back in November.

maggie moran said...

Kewl, Amanda! :) I think you are having fun. If you stop by one of my book bloggie friends be sure to tell them maggie reads sent you. Bah! :D

Diane said...

maggie - do you still have a list of southern authors?

Tiffany Norris said...

Yay! I'm in, but I'm still deciding on my last book! Hope to make the final call by Wednesday.

maggie moran said...

Yea, Diane! I was hoping you would sign-up again. In this post I have a link to all my Southern Book Ideas tag. It's all the work I did last year with some newbies at the top. I throw my heart into recommending Mudbound by Hillary Jordan this summer. Bonus, no where does she mention the sweltering heat. :)

maggie moran said...

Yay, Tiffany! Do a little dance! :) Just like for Diane, I throw my heart and soul into recommending Mudbound by Hilliary Jordan this summer. ;D

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Quick question--I just started All the King's Men this morning--a hefty southern book that will take me a big to read. Can I use it as long as I don't finish before May 15th? Or do I need to hold off on reading it until the 15th? :)

CJ said...

I cannot believe I am doing this... but I couldn't resist. Especially once I realized I can read the Sookie Stackhouse book that's been in my TBR pile for far too long. My list will be up in a bit.


Mary (Bookfan) said...

I'm looking forward to this. Now I'll check out the suggestions list. Thanks, Maggie!

maggie moran said...

Trish, it's is fine. You may count the book, just write your review on the 16. :D Wow, you must be reading that for another challenge, too!

Great CJ! Oh, and be careful when you drink liquids tonight. You know since you have that extra hole in your head. ;D

Yea, Mary! I'm sure you will do wonders, and I'll do something with a Southern Movie Quote Meme.

Diane said...

maggie - ok, my books are

Dead Until Dark
Thirteen Moons (audible version)

looking forward to them all!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Great! I have a feeling it is going to take me that long at least. This is attempt #3, but I have it on 2 other challenges so I HAVE to get it read at least by June! I've heard so many good things about it, only 20 pages in and it is a beating. :)

maggie moran said...

Excellent choices, Diane! Hope you win some pecans this year. :)

Press on Trish, and let us know all about it! :)

Laura said...

This is the perfect challenge for this time of year! What a great idea!

maggie moran said...

Yea, Laura! I hope you win some pecans! :)

Bookfool said...

Does it have to be all literature or can I stick in a memoir? I've got Homesick by Sela Ward, here.

Maggie, I didn't know you're not from here! Where ya from, lady?

CPU CLUB said...

Thanks for the tip but my problem is I don't have any type of software to make my photo nice - I used paint to 'stretch & skew'!

Amanda Clanton said...

This is great fun...I'm having a wonderful time...

maggie moran said...

Yes, you can do nonfiction too, Bookfool. I'm highly suggesting High Cotton by Gerald Helferich. A year of mulling around cotton field learning the ins and outs is perfect for my displaced self. I'm from Tennessee but was born in Texas. When we finally meet you will understand why I tell people the Texas part. :D I'm so excited you are even considering it!

Signy it looks awesome! Where are you? Italy? England? Memphis, TN? Bah! ;D

Anonymous said...

I'm going to join as soon as I can think of a 3rd book - I have 2 already picked out.

Bookfool said...


All right, you've convinced me. Well, you and High Cotton and Larry Brown. I saw High Cotton on your recommendations list, before I dashed back over to sign up. It's on my wish list and I thought, "Hmmm, I'll bet that one's in the library." I have to go, today, so I'll have a look. But, anyway . . . then I saw Larry. You know how I love Larry. I haven't gotten to his novels and, well, I love Larry. So, he can fill at least one slot. I also have When Crickets Cry on the way from Paperback Swap. It's been on my wish list for a while, so I didn't remember (or maybe realize) it was a Southern read. And, then there's Sela. And, I have probably a goodly pile that I've been putting off.

Oh, you're from Tennessee? What part? My husband's father and grandparents (and the relatives they don't speak to) are from Tennessee. And, of course, my eldest lives in Memphis, now. Ugly. The rest of Tennessee is pretty. Not Memphis. Memphis is ugly. Don't tell him I said that.

maggie moran said...

Yea, Lynne! It wouldn't be summer without your input! :)

Good thing I'm not from Memphis, huh Bookfool!?! No, I'm from Gallatin, north of Nashville, but closer to Kentucky. We have fun hills to hike and creeks to canoe. Lovely! I lived in Memphis for 7 years before moving to MS, though. I'm rather fond of Memphis, sort of a shabby-chic bluesy feel. :D

I'm thrilled you are participating!

Whitney said...

Great challenge thanks for hosting!

maggie moran said...

Well thank yew, Whitney, and I look forward to your book selections. :)

Deana said...

I wish I could do it again. It really motivated me last year. Unfortunately I am still at one novel for the entire 2008! But I do read all the time, it is just photography mags or the New Yorker or something...

But I am going to the beach next week and taking The Road with me. I also have the Memory Keeper's Daughter on hand. And I don't think they count as Southern.

Vickie said...

Very cool!!! This will be fun. Thanks to Mary for pointing me in this direction!

maggie moran said...

Actually, I'll accept The Road, Deana. I'll wait until after you read it to talk...

I hear hubby's book will be out in July! Are you excited? What's the title? Set in the South?

Yea, Vickie! We all look forward to getting to know you through your funny southern posts.

Jill said...

Thanks for hosting, Maggie. I missed out last year, so I am glad to be able to participate this summer. =)


maggie moran said...

Yea, Jill! I have you down! ;)

Casa Pearl said...

I'm so glad you're doing this again. Gods in Alabama is already on its way to me so the timing is perfect!

Sharon said...

I love reading southern lit! Count me in. Thanks for the tip.

maggie moran said...

Ew, Casa Pearl, this could be the challenge where you read all Joshilyn Jacksons! :D

Yea, Sharon! Thanks for taking part and best of luck on winning the pecans.

Lori Thornton said...

As soon as I figure out which books I'm going to read, I'll add my list and sign up!

CJ said...

How cool is that? I definitely want in on this one!


Mo said...

Oh, so glad to see that you're hosting this again; I definately want in - now, I just have to decide on what to read!

I found some good authors last year!

Nan said...

I deleted my other comment because the address didn't fit. Here goes again:

My choices are here:

This is just what I need to reread Faulkner, whom I loved in college but haven't read in all these years since.

Ana S. said...

I am done with my foolish attempt at resistance. This challenge is just too cool :D Thanks for hosting again, Maggie!

maggie moran said...

Yippee, Lori! We will really get some insights from your family tree point of view. ;)

It is just awesome that she is giving away 5 copies! Last year Deana was so generous with 2 from her husband, I though I would be brave and ask Ms Jordan, CJ My boss wants me to try Charlaine Harris, too.

Yippee-yea, Mo! Ew, what will you read? :)

Nan, you are one crazy gurl! Hum, I'll be taking Faulkner's head all over Mississippi this summer during the challenge. Hope it will be funny!

It is my Southern Charm, Nymeth. It just oozes from the wireless internet. :D

jmnlman said...

I'm in.... I even managed to avoid the Civil War.:)

Brittanie said...

Being a Southern Girl too I knew I had to sign up ;) Can't wait to read the books on my list. :)

maggie moran said...

Jmnlman - I would love to feature any Civil War books you think worthy of the challenge. Oh, and if you don't mind, I would like to mention Elmore Leonard, too.

Yea, Brittanie, I'm happy to have another southern voice amongst the participants. So, whose your peoples? ;D

jmnlman said...

Leonard was born in New Orleans but I can't remember when I mentioned it. Must be getting forgetful in my old age.

As for the Civil War the ultimate is probably Shelby Foote's The Civil War: A Narrative (3 vols) although I think it took me a year to finish that. It tends to be quite dense. The Vicksburg and-Gettysburg campaign's receive treatments longer than some books. I'll have to do some checking through my book shelves I'm not too sure which authors are Southern. Quite a bit of what I have is actually written by Britz [Liddell-Hart and J. F. C. Fuller].

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to attempting this challenge. I don't have my own blog so I'll just post which books I read in the comment section when the challenge is over. I hesitate to commit to specific titles because I change my mind so much, but I know I will be reading something by Truman Capote.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

I haven't picked my books yet, but am excited to try a new genre!! SOUTHERN STYLE!! I'm going to look over your top 125 and go from there, in addition to Mudbound, THANKS!!

maggie moran said...

Jmnlman - "The Moonshine War by Elmore Leonard is a period piece about Southern bootleggers in the 1930s." I got this from your blog and was so excited and thus jumped to the assumption he might possibly be southern since authors write what they know. I got on wikipedia and in black-n-white born in New Orleans! I'm sure he is a Michigainer (should I say Detroitite), but technically this suggested book fits the southern setting and although streching it southern author. :D

maggie moran said...

Sam - If you don't mind, will you sign up on the Mister Linky in order to be eligible for the prizes. You needn't leave a blog address. Thank you! Oh, and I look forward to your comments. There are quite a bit of participants reading Capote this year. :)

maggie moran said...

Yea, 7 Villiage Idiarts! An Alaskan point of view will be fun! BTW, I love your photos!

jmnlman said...

Oh yes "Moonshine War" good to know someone reads my blog because apparently I can't remember what I posted or was reading last August.

Anonymous said...

Are crossovers from other challenges fair game? I have one of Zora Neale Hurston's novels on my list for the fantasy challenge (in the folklore subgenre) and would be thrilled if I could make it work for both.

maggie moran said...

Forgot what you wrote, sounds like you and I are about the same age, Jmnlman! Bah!

Yes, Sprite! Crossovers are acceptable. :)

utmommy said...

I'm excited to join the challenge. Not sure what books I'll choose yet. I really want to read Wednesday Letters, but we'll see what else.

Lynda said...

Looking forward to choosing my books ;0)

Lynda said...

Books chosen:
1. The Awakening - Kate Chopin
2. Ellen Foster - Kaye Gibbons
3. Dreams of Sleep - Josephine Humphreys

maggie moran said...

Yea, UTMommy! I'm sure you will enjoy Wednesday Letters, also I highly suggest Mudbound to get you in that Southern State-of-Mind! :) Happy Reading!

Holistic Reader, I don't recognize your third choice, and I welcome the chance to hear of a new author! :) Have fun reading!

tinylittlelibrarian said...

Yay, Maggie!!! Thanks so much for hosting this again! I feel like an honorary Southern girl, having just had a glorious time in Charleston.

maggie moran said...

I've nevah been thar. I bet you will have some fabo photos for the sense of place contest, TLL! :)

Ray Bridges said...

Thanks for the challenge, Maggie. I'll join your reading club for the summer. My choice of books are: Mudbound by Hillary Jordan, Mississippi Sissy by Kevin Sessums, and the Prince of Frogtown by Rick Bragg.

Happy reading, all.

maggie moran said...

Wonderful, Houston! I see you have excellent taste, and I look forward to your unique southern voice. ;D

Anonymous said...

Maggie, thanks for hosting this challenge again! I just posted my choices.

maggie moran said...

Yippee, Yay, Lynne! I look forward to your Georgian voice. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited about this (my second ever) book challenge, my list has been posted and I'm ready to go!

maggie moran said...

Yippee yay, Ken! I look forward to hearing your special southern twang. :D

Bridget said...

This sounds like a good one! And I need to familiarize myself with more Southern literature.

(But, is it OK if we drink our iced tea plain??)

maggie moran said...

Yay, Bridget! I wont make you drick iced tea either. You can sit back with some hot tea. ;)

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog and would like to join in on this great challenge. I will sign up once I have decided which books to read!

Julia said...

This is my first reading challenge ever. Sounds like this could be fun! My picks are:
1) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
2) 2) Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
3) I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

and if there's time

4) Roots by Alex Haley

How do I get a button? Thanks

Julia said...

Cancel button request. I figured it out. :)

Nyssaneala said...

I don't think I'll be participating this year. :( We just have way too much stuff going on this summer.

maggie moran said...

Wonderful, JennyEllen! I look forward to your picks! :)

Alright, Julia! You're ready to read! ;)

I understand Nyssaneala. We will miss your participation. Maybe next year...

jo ellen said...

i;m so glad to be joining the list. thanks for doing this.

maggie moran said...

Thanks Jo Ellen, but you need to stay on the work related mister linky. You guys have different prizes. Don't worry, you will get it. ;)

Anonymous said...

I am signed up and ready to go! I posted my link on Mr. Linky.

April said...

I hope I am not too late for this, Maggie? If not, I will get my 3 books posted within the next couple of days and dig in!

maggie moran said...

No not too late, April. I just don't want you to miss out on the lovely chocolate pecans! ;)

April said...

Thanks Maggie! Yum - the pecans sound very tasty! lol I just recently purchased To Kill A Mockingbird, so that will be one of the books - just need to figure out the other two. I will have to check out the list of recommendations.

Tammy said...

Sounds like a fun challenge! I decided to do 2 books set in my home state of SC. The other is one I'm reading for another challenge :)

maggie moran said...

Thanks for joining April and Tammy!

April, you are going to love To Kill a Mockingbird! May I suggest Mudbound as a great follow up! :)

Tammy, that explains why I don't know two of your picks. Looking forward to reading all about them. :)

Heidi said...

I am looking forward to this challenge. I will post my books sometime this weekend. I have to look thru the bookcases.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to this challenge "thang" but I'm looking forward to get to see what y'all thought of other Southern writers. I had a class in college on Faulkner and O'Connor so I steered clear of them for this, with only one of the three authors being one I had read previously (Walker Percy). It also gave me the chance to finally read Look Howeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe, a copy of which I've had since I was very young. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to finally catch up on my reading.

Maree said...

I'm late! I'm late! But I'm in! :)

maggie moran said...

Welcome Heidi, Reading Fool, and Maree! You guys just missed out on the Friday Night Pecan Pick, but you will be entered into all the rest!

Heidi - I hope there are some gems on your shelves.

Reading Fool - You are the only one reading Wolfe and we do look forward to any and all posts 'bout him.

One is nevah too late to read, Maree. :)

Heidi said...

I posted my books at my blog.


maggie moran said...

Great, Barbara! Happy Southern Reading! :)

Grand Life said...

I'm looking forward to my first reading challenge. DH likes to say "Books are my best bad habit".
I don't think a day goes by without reading several times.

maggie moran said...

Well, I'm looking forward to getting to know you through your southern picks, Grand Life!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! This will tie in nicely with a few of my Yahoo! book groups. Judy

maggie moran said...

Welcome Intergalactic Bookworm! I look forward to your books! :)

Unknown said...

Summer isn't hot without Maggie's Southern Reading Challenge. Love it - count me in! I've read Mudbound, BTW, and it's one of the most powerful books I've ever encountered. Hillary Jordan has crafted a real masterpiece. As for my list, Sugar Queen is on it, for sure. I'm just finishing Girls in Trucks - I'll link it, but won't count it in my total. Have to leave room for more "finds." :-)

maggie moran said...

Yay, Vidalia! I was hoping you would join. I don't like to pressure anyone.

I'm giving away autographed copies of Mudbound! The rules for the first contest is here

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Hey Maggie--is there a specific place where we link reviews? This is my first time for the Southern Challenge and not sure how all that will work. :)

maggie moran said...

Trish, I've got it up and running! Thanks :)

Vickie said...

Finished my first book, albeit undocumented, for the challenge. LITTLE BITTY LIES was a fun read, review above.

maggie moran said...

Thanx Vickie! I see you found the first review linky. We wouln't want to miss it! :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to participate. I lived in Atlanta for 8 years in the '80s and became accustomed to the southern culture. I will post my list later today.

maggie moran said...

Yay, Violette! I look forward to getting to know you! :)

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to my reading list http://the

Anonymous said...

I just came across this and can't wait to participate! I think this sounds like so much fun. What a great idea...I will choose my books today!

wisteria said...

I just couldn't pass the southern setting up. I love the hanging moss.
My ex who came from South Carolina thought I was crazy. Sounds fun. I guess I'm a bit late.

Reading furnishes the mind only with materials for knowledge;
it is thinking that makes what we read ours.

~ John Locke ~

Nan said...

Hey Maggie, just want to let you know I switched my second book from Sartoris by Faulkner to One Writer's Beginnings by Welty. I needed a little Eudora in my life!

maggie moran said...

Thanks Violette, and happy southern reading! :)

Great Jill, I look forward to hearing all about your southern picks! :)

Welcome Wisteria, and one is never to late to read good books! :)

No problem Nan! I hope you enjoy her.

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

I am late, really late..but I am in. I need help in the book selection department...but hopefully that will be figured out soon (as I am already behind!!).

happy reading!!!

maggie moran said...

No problem, Bethany! I left you some ideas in a comment on your blog. Good Luck!

Tricia said...

Thanks for hosting this Maggie. I'm looking forward to participating!

maggie moran said...

Yay, Tricia! I'm thrilled you are taking part!

Unknown said...

I know I'm late signing up for this challenge, but I want to try it anyway. I have become obsessed with reading challenges this summer - I just hope my intentions to overpower my brain!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'm finding all these fun reading challenges. This should stretch my reading habits this summer!:D

Sarah McBride said...

this sounds great! I think I will do
Widow of the South by Robert Hicks
Cant Wait to get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg and
Garden Spells byu Sarah Addison Allen

sounds great! thanks for this challenge

maggie moran said...

Welcome Bobbi, Ladybug, and Sarah McBride! Now get to reading! :)

Vickie said...

Alrighty, I am calling it. I read four Southern books, not all from my original list, but I got behind.

Sarah McBride said...

I did finish all books, but how do I get credit? Do I create a link for it on my blog??

Grilsgood said...

I am not sure I posted what I read. I do not have a blog and ging nudts wo go on vacation.

1. Patterson, James Sundays at Tiffany's w. Palm Bach, FL
2. Johansen, Iris The Face 0f Deception Atlanta, GA
3. Deaver, Jeffrey The Bone Collector Charlottesville, Virginia
4. Barton, Beverly Tuscumbia, Alabama
5. Fetzer, Amy J. Maryland
6. Hooper, Kay The Matchmaker and Shadows western NC
7. Woods, Stuart Sante Fe Dead Manchester, GA
8. MacDonald, John D. TheThe Empty Copper Sea Florida
9. Unger, Lisa Black Out Florida
10. Price, Eugenia Where Shadows go St. Simons Island, GA
11. Deaver, Je4ffrey The Bone Collector VA
12. O'Connor, Flannery Violent Bear it Away, The GA
13. Iles, Greg Footprints, of God, The Natchez, MS
14. Twain, Mark The Adventures of Huclebury Finn MO
15, Twain, Mark A Murder, a mystery, a marriage MO
16. Price, Eugenia Bright Captivity St. Simons, GA
17. Karon, Jan A Light inthe Window b Lenoir, NC no Blowing Rock, NC

Sandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Islandgirl Evy said...

I finally figured it out and posted my link!