Now, some writers absolutely hate the idea of a used bookstore. Not me. I know from experience that somebody who picks up a used copy of one of my books for a buck or two will usually decide they really need to buy my new hardback as soon as it comes out. Or, maybe they're a working mom or retiree who can only afford to feed their habit by buying used books. I'm good with that. New blogger Angie of What is Angie Thinking? got an e-mail from Mary Kay Andrews this week! Pretty exciting and well humbling for me. I had no idea there was such a nice southern lady. Thank you for raising the rock I was under Angie!
This is an exert from author Andrews' blog:
Savannah Blues (2003)
Little Bitty Lies (2004)
Hissy Fit (2005)
Blue Christmas (2006)
Savannah Breeze (2007)
Deep Dish (2008)
That's a nice comment. It makes me want to bake her a loaf of banana bread or ask her over for mint tea on the porch. :)
She made me want to go buy her latest hardback release after reading that comment! And I don't even have a clue what her books are about!
Hey! What about the messenger, Bookfool?!? ;)
You might just get that chance to fix her an iced tea since she is touring with her new book Deep Dish, and doesn't everyone whose anyone sign at Lemuria!?! I'm guessing that is a new and used bookstore. I remember you mentioning the local library's holdings aren't so hot.
Debi, I found a couple of challengers with Hissy Fit on their TBR pile, and I was rather dumb-founded by her popularity. Well, not any more. Checkout her blog. It is a hoot.
fun! I want to read one of her books now.
My dream is to grow up and be a librarian, seriously.
Trust me, I would rather be a mother TX Mommy! ;D
I'm a big fan! Deep Dish was great fun. I also enjoyed Hissy Fit and have her two Savannah books on my TBR list.
Being a librarian can be great fun (and it can not, too), but my dream is to grow up to be a mommy. :)
Gosh, I have got to read her so I'll know what all the hubbub is about! I'm with you on the mommy dream; except, I refuse to grow up. :P
LOL, Maggie. Yes, of course, I'd share with you!
I think Lemuria has used books, but it's been quite a while since I've been there. We don't go to Jackson as often as we used to. The library does pretty much suck. However, the perpetual library sale is fab. You just never know what people are going to donate.
Thanks for this recommendation. I LOVE Southern authors, especially those that hail from GA! I've read most of Eugenia Price's books (love the Savannah quartet!) and have visited many of her characters' graves.
I'm also a Flannery O'Connor fan and have made several visits to her grave and farm.
I'm definitely checking out this author.
Have you read any of Sarah Gilbert's books? I'm not sure what's happened to her, but her novels are hilarious. Check out "Dixie Riggs" and "Hairdo." Hilarious!
Bookfool - Why don't they put those books in circulation? Selling them for a quarter where only one person has the chance to read versus putting them in the system so many can, seems un-libraryish.
Amy - We have one Southern Reader just reading Price for the challenge which I think is cool.
Oh, and no I haven't heard of Sarah Gilbert! Bout time, huh? I'll check her out! :)
Love love love Mary Kay Andrews! My first was HISSY FIT and was quickly enamoured thanks to her making me snort laugh and a strong female lead character. I am reading LITTLE BITTY LIES right now and will add it to my Southern Reading Challenge list.
I just knew she would be a sweetie.
I'm not familiar with Ms. Andrews, but will definitely check her out!
I LOVE Mary Kay Andrews!! She is one of my favorite authors - I have read all of her books and always eagerly await a new release! Very fun stories.
Diane - Here are two raving reviews from Vickie and April. Welcome out from under that rock, too! :)
Vickie & April - I'm reading her this summer, for shure! ;)
Hissy Fit was my first by Mary Kay and was the one that got me completely hooked. I think that would be a good one for those who have never read her books.
Thanks April, I'll start there! :)
Maggie - Actually, I'm with you on the not growing up, too! :)
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