Pulitzer Prize Winner (1988)
In Your Face: A Cartoonist at Work (1991)
The Bridge (2001)
The Magic Time (2006)
My Mission...Not Impossible...Make Mississippi Read!
3:17 PM
Tags: Obit, Southern Book Ideas
i should have gone after a clip art for my "obit.", I like Rev. Will B. Dunn--we don't get Kudzu in our comics up here, but I often read it off the internet.
Sage - I'm very sorry he got caught in these downpours. It was pretty awful these last two weeks. The driver has a tough road ahead of him, having walked away from the wreck. Your tribute is perfect, no need for an image.
Martin was really upset by his death. I had just left a note on Sages that Marlette was the one that had Pat Conroy autograph my book "Prince of Tides" for me, for Martin one night in Oxford when they were out...the book I am still reading, and still loving!
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