Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Frankenstein (copy)

Some books are awe-inspiring; some books are thought provoking; some books are lyrical; and some books are duds. Huh, did I just write dud? What would cause me to say that? I’m normally all about the book. How can I be so negative?

As one can imagine, in order to write a weekly column on books I need to constantly read. I usually start a book on Thursday and finish reading it Saturday. That gives me enough time to read another book if the first is “dudish.” If the second book is also a dud, well, I write to you about dud books.

This is where I stand as of Wednesday morning, 9:30. I had really high hopes for the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, but as the days past, this pop cultural icon felt more like a school assignment. I would read a chapter, fall asleep, reread a paragraph, fall asleep, and then reread from the beginning. I think you get my predicament.

I could recommend this book to anyone experiencing trouble falling asleep, but that would be all wrong. This is my situation. Another person may pick up the book and be drawn in for hours. They might even devour it in one sitting. It all depends on the mood one is in when they start a book. I apparently was in a drowsy mood.

This brings up an important question. Do you always finish a book once you start it, even if it drags? I have a feeling most of you are nodding your heads, yes.

My beloved is the same way. He reads a book like he is on a mission. Your mission, if you chose to accept it, is to drag your eyes across every word in this work, even if it may cause loss of time and entertainment in order to succeed. “Yes, sir, and may I have another!”

Not me. I give the book a fifty page limit. If I’m not hooked by the fifty-first page, it goes back to the library. It just doesn’t seem proper to waste time on something you aren’t enjoying. There aren’t any teachers looking over your shoulders telling you it has to be read. Sort of takes all the fun out of reading, if you think of it in this manner.

Mood is everything when it comes to reading. If you aren’t in a certain mood for a certain book, you really are wasting time. The bright side to this mood is it may change. A dud at this time and place may become a gem years later.

So, I give you my permission not to read a book, if by fifty pages it evolves into a dud. The problem with Frankenstein—I never got to page fifty. I found myself snoring by page twenty.

Cartoon by Chris Burke


Booklogged said...

Needless to say, I'm not rushing out to buy Frankenstein! I usually give a book 80-100 pages, although last month I gave The Thirteenth Tale 172 pages! I kept going because so many people were raving about it. I kept thinking it had to get better. And it did. It started improving on page 172.

maggie moran said...

There's an optimistic aspect working when we keep going, and it does work out well in the long run.

My husband had a hard time getting started with 13th Tale, too. He finished it, like a good soldier, but I didn't hear raves.

Thanks for reading! Maggie

Anonymous said...

You are more generous than I am... I have a 30 page limit! :)

Well, sorry to hear this one was a dud. I had planned on reading it for my RIP Challenge but just didn't get to it. Some other time.

Anonymous said...

A couple of months ago, I picked up Frankenstein and had every intention of immersing myself in this well-lauded novel.

I could not get past the first five pages - believe me, I tried. Although I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you, at the same time it's comforting to know that I am not the only one who thought it was boring.

maggie moran said...

I read that Shelley's first draft was a 15 page short story. Now, I might be able to handle 15 pages. :-0